Thursday, December 31, 2020

It looks easy on TV. my first flip house, its a ZOMBIE but I will rebuild and make this grand old dame beautiful again. zombie house

Well today is the day, I am closing on my first flip house. This property is a historic registered house in little rock. The last resident was a Dentist but more important he was a Veteran as well as one of the Tuskeegee airmen. The house is approx 2900 Sq ft. It has been vacant for years. It was built in 1919 by famous archatect Charles Thompson. Google Charles Thompson and you will see he was a very active builder, he insisted on quality. The Timber was used from the area was dense old growth pine, Cedar and Fir. all made awesome bulding materials. the 2 X 4 of that day was 2x4 and solid, straight and square. Imagine getting quality wood milled right in the neighborhood. No trudging to HD or LOs and sifting through 3=4 pallets to find one almost straight board.Needless to say, that were build well. Ill send more pics later.
This is a sneak peek of the current master bathroom, I anm going to find a way to keep this cool old 1919 tub. this was considered an upgrade to the claw foot tub of the era. Dumpster for the DEMO phase just arrived so looks like the fun will start today.cold Rainy, last day of the shitty ass 2020. "LETS ROLL'